Re: comfort hotel and con man

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Sooner rather than later I would hope.
I was at this establishment from the weeks before Days Inn opened and took Syed Haider and Dasys Inn to 2 seperate employment tribunals, won both cases, then had to take them to county court as they wouldnt pay me the awarded payments of which was salary lost, won in county court and have recently taken Syed Haider and his company to the Royal High Courts of Justice and was again granted that a warrant be issued for the debt. Bailiffs entered the property to be confronted with lie after lie as to who owns the hotel.

Comfort hotel are going to have there name tarred by this man, I am pleased and have insider info from Wyndham Worldwide who run and operate Days Inn are very happy to be rid of him before he did more damage to their brand.

I just hope people will tred carefully if they decide not to listen to advice given regarding functions, as when he is unable to finance his business any longer he will do a runner, and they way things are set up you WILL NOT get any money back or a service provided ie: your wedding reception, anniversary or family occassion.


> Oh deah, when will they close him down ?

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